Academic Catalog

Important Production Dates & Deadlines

Academic Catalog & SRRR 2024/2025

(Undergraduate, Graduate, Law School Academic Catalogs and Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities)

September: Courses Not Taught Reporting process and Department notification.

Mid-November: Academic Catalog/SRRR environment rolls to next edition.

December: CIM opens for 24/25 Course and Program proposals.

January: Academic Catalog/SRRR environment prepared for editors.

February 19: Academic Catalog/SRRR opens for editing.

March 15: CIM Program and Course proposal deadline - proposals must be at Provost Office approval step by this date for inclusion in the academic catalog.

April 19: Workflow started on all catalog pages by department editors.

May 3: Catalog pages approved by College Dean's Offices.

May 17: All Catalog/SRRR pages approved for publishing by Registrar.

May 24: CourseLeaf completes preparation for publishing.

May 29: Academic Catalogs/SRRR Go Live. College/Dept websites refresh with 24/25 content.

Mid/Late June: Academic Catalog/SRRR Comprehensive PDFs available for download.

Support and Resources

Next Catalog editor login:

Support Requests:
Report issues, bugs, editor/user/role changes or page modification requests.

Catalog Questions?

Web Best Practices & Editorial Style Guide

Training Opportunities

CourseLeaf Academic Catalog - New Editors & Refresher Sessions
Sessions offered: February/March
Time: by request e-mail
Location: Zoom

CourseLeaf Academic Catalog - Office hours by appointment for Editors/Approvers
Sessions offered:  March/April
Time: by request e-mail
Location: Zoom